The long-range outlook for the fund is "extremely unfavorable," the trustees said in June.
Asked about their long-range outlook for their community, a majority of suburban residents predicted an upbeat or at least stable future.
And he reflected no anxiety over the colt's long-range medical outlook.
Even the wines that finished best in our tasting are, to an extent, supporting players in their producers' long-range outlook.
While they maintain optimistic long-range outlooks, they express reservations about the near future.
But no one in authority treated the new forecast as anything but the most responsible possible stab at a notoriously difficult target: the long-range economic outlook.
An improving economy is likely to put more business travelers on shuttle flights, at least initially, but some analysts are pessimistic about the long-range outlook.
Does the company have a short-range or long-range outlook in regard to profits?
"The teachers fund has been doing better than 9 percent over the past five years, and we are talking about long-range outlook for growth," she said.
The Last days of July profoundly altered the long-range outlook for audio.