A long-standing theory of technological advancement, not as measured by specific inventions, but in use of energy.
From EGRET's finds, scientists have affirmed many long-standing theories about energy waves in space.
A long-standing theory is that in transformed larvae of sea-squirts (tunicates) lies the origin of vertebrates.
But then the balloon upset some long-standing theories, too.
Either he was a master dissembler (which, given Julien's encounters with the earl, seemed unlikely) or his own long-standing theory was correct: Bassington had never even known the name of his victim.
Bigleniza is merely a translation of Vigilantia to Slavic, following the long-standing theory that mother and daughter had the same name.
A long-standing theory among some fans is that he faked his death.
One of his most significant research achievements upset and replaced a long-standing theory to explain how bone calcifies to form a hard, resilient structural tissue.
There are problems with the long-standing theory that the decline in population was caused only by a contagious disease (see further discussions at Black Death) and so historians have examined other social factors, as follows.
The exploding star that blazed into view over the Southern Hemisphere Tuesday may compel scientists to revise long-standing theories as to how such supernovas come about, astronomers reported yesterday.