The Warrenton Presbyterian Church struggled to continue after its longtime pastor died.
"Harriet has placed her faith in Jesus," said the Rev. Ron Key, who was the longtime pastor there until recently.
Of note are longtime pastor Fr.
But a handful of parishioners, current and former employees and local merchants had nursed suspicions for years about the longtime pastor.
The Silva case centered on two comments by the professor, who is also a longtime pastor at a New Hampshire church, during a class on technical writing.
Nicely, too, had religious roots: her father was the longtime pastor of Rochester's Brick Presbyterian Church.
The Church moved to Seventh & Central Avenues in 1971, under the leadership of Rev. Wilber Page, longtime pastor.
"The Lord didn't send me here to build a minimall," said the longtime pastor, the Rev. Roosevelt Gildon.
Holy Cross had been in turmoil for several years, due to a scandal involving (or not involving) its longtime pastor, Father Henryk Jazdzewski.