The thing holding back cycling is the the cars, lorries, buses and taxis take them off the road and it would be lovely.
The first 24 lorries in this week's 500-vehicle convoy took the chance of travelling without their British escort.
Big lorries took them.
As many as 700 lorries have taken part in this event in the past (unofficially breaking the world record by quite a margin) and what a spectacle it is.
The lorry took heavy damage, and Zandi's car was utterly wrecked.
He said a number of safety measures would have to be introduced if more lorries took the moor road to reach the A1.
Masklin decides that a lorry might take them to a better place.
The lorry takes them to a department store loading zone.
However, a lorry from Birmingham takes much longer to reach the target.
There's a track the lorries take from the main road up to the site here.