Suddenly visibility was zero as he drove into a low-flying cloud.
The copters actually briefly disappeared into low-flying clouds.
A low-flying cloud saw that, and hastily scudded out of the way, intimidated, but Esk just yawned.
The minutes passed, the descending sun intercepted by low-flying clouds in the west, creating long, lateral shadows over the outskirts of the railroad yard.
But the swarm took to the sky, disappearing through a trapdoor in a low-flying, and ominously dark, cumulus cloud.
Stars flickered through the low-flying gray clouds.
I bounced high enough to bruise my skull on low-flying clouds.
'I'll be goddamned,' said the man from Medusa as they reached the first layer of low-flying clouds.
The light was reflected with a dull glow upon the low-flying clouds.
Streamers of white exhaust, low-flying clouds whiter than the air, drifted out from many of the cars.