They shone with a brilliant inner light, dazzling and vivid, luminous beings, like living moonlight.
They looked like guardian angels, luminous beings sent to protect humanity against the thinking machines.
Maybe you could also remem- ber seeing them as luminous beings getting energy from the light of the earth.
An example of human possibilities is the seers' achievement in viewing man as an egglike luminous being.
That afternoon, I saw ten luminous beings in slow motion.
I asked him a lot of questions about the survival of awareness after the luminous being is consumed by the fire from within.
The concealed advantage of luminous beings is that they have something which is never used: intent.
The Song of the Conduit faded then, and the luminous beings began to confer among themselves.
We men and all other luminous beings on earth are perceivers.
That is why we are luminous beings.