This paper gave rise to a discussion, at the end of which a luncheon break was welcomed by all.
The House of Representatives was suspended at 12:55pm for the luncheon break.
Though much of his day is spent wielding phones and searching documents, the 50-year-old Mr. Kim is just as likely to find his work out on the streets during a luncheon break.
There was a flurry of movement and voices as the attendants got rid of their patients and made their way through the staff door for the luncheon break.
The first question he shot at me after the midday adjournment was, 'Mr Kennedy, have you been discussing the case with your counsel during the luncheon break?'
At the luncheon break, United States Attorney Patrick Ryan met with the family members and explained the choice ahead of them.
I also wanted to ask about the luncheon break.
The meeting was extraordinarily fruitless until Hallam announced his Great Insight, but in the version as reconstructed by Lamont, the real turning point came during the luncheon break.
"You are paying now for your little luncheon break."
Later, Bond guessed, there would be an hour's luncheon break.