A common Scottish tale is the story of nine children lured onto a kelpie's back, while a tenth kept his distance.
Meanwhile, Jerry escapes into a break room and lures some ants onto a blank page of the score.
Wouldn't he be luring others onto the same precipice that he tumbled from?
Something always comes up in life to lure a man onto the Low Road, not driving but riding in the back.
Still, recent history suggests that luring the public onto the juggernaut is not impossible.
But I couldn't even lure the others onto the Ferris wheel.
She who would lure him onto the rocks.
Lights set during storms to lure ships onto rocks.
Reductions in fares, he said were a natural and inevitable result of trying to lure people back onto planes after the terrorist attacks.
Such simple math lured a swarm of luxury goods retailers onto the Web last year.