While the initial target is social media users, the system should appeal to mainstream retailers and direct marketing groups looking to provide a better customer experience.
The malls are home to designer boutiques, mainstream national retailers, as well as six major department stores.
Now, however, more and more mainstream retailers - including such giant supermarket chains as Safeway and A.&P. -are beginning to stock them.
There is probably no one who does not know that Nordstrom Inc. is the ultimate in customer service among mainstream retailers.
"Small and focused specialty stores seem to be doing better than the more mainstream retailers."
The maternity industry is straining its seams today as more and more mainstream retailers and specialty and online stores seek entry.
Ready made, generic fit slipcovers are available at many mainstream retailers that sell linens (sheets).
Just as major movie theater chains almost always refuse to exhibit NC-17 movies, most mainstream retailers refuse to stock adults-only games.
Since most mainstream retailers refuse to stock adults-only games, San Andreas was effectively pulled from store shelves across the nation.
Upscale and mainstream retailers have ventured into maternity clothing before, which concerns some analysts who question whether the recent trend is a passing fad.