Local liverymen sometimes hired out their carriages, but none were willing to carry a malaria patient.
The epidemiologists tested a number of blood samples obtained over a one-week period from 34 consecutive malaria patients.
"Grass-roots organizing is like climbing into bed with a malaria patient in order to show how much you love him or her, then catching malaria yourself," she wrote.
To treat all the 300 million malaria patients with the more expensive drug would cost about $900 million a year.
- The cause of severe pathology, such as cerebral complications in malaria patients.
He was able to find the malaria parasite in a mosquito that he artificially fed on a malaria patient named Hussain Khan.
The mother insisted on taking him home, but first allowed the doctor to try fever therapy, injecting Jimmy with blood from a tertian malaria patient.
The quinine works on the malaria patients, and Judith thanks Blanche.
The system, with compressor and fans, was used in Cedar Key to ease the lot of malaria patients.
A malaria patient can feel better, even entirely well, for days until symptoms return when the parasite's life cycle leads to more cell destruction.