Then I added loud music, and young male waiters, and things kind of took on their own life.
The game's cover features three nude women and a male waiter in a hot tub.
For male waiters, the smiley face actually cuts tips.
In Tudor's ballet, a male waiter served three slovenly dance-hall women.
It has fought off government efforts to force it to hire male waiters, arguing that feminine, er, pulchritude is crucial to its business plan.
Later in the year, Taylor develops a romance with a male Korean waiter, Seung-Ho.
A male waiter, who could not have been older than fourteen, emerged from the back of the restaurant.
As a result, the suit charges, the male waiters work more frequently and earn more money than their female colleagues.
There is another young woman and for a time there was a male waiter.
It has placed a premium on male waiters with long arms, who are constantly called on to help.