Professor Jacobs' studies have addressed a number of aspects of women's employment, including authority, earnings, working conditions, part-time work and work-family conflict, and entry into male-dominated occupations.
Her dedication and ambitiousness belies her petite frame and she is determined to make her mark in a male-dominated occupation.
Women, particularly those in male-dominated occupations, tend to hit a glass ceiling; while men in female-dominated occupations may hit a "glass escalator."
In the over four decade since then, Colvin has driven for 2 million miles without an accident, and blazed the path for women into another male-dominated occupation.
"Police work is typically one of the most male-dominated occupations," she said.
Men are reluctant to enter female-dominated occupations because of this and similarly resist the entrance of women into male-dominated occupations.
With 98.5% of carpenters being male, it was the fourth most male-dominated occupation in the country in 1999.
Girls may be encouraged to learn skills valued in female-dominated fields, while boys might learn leadership skills for male-dominated occupations.
There is usually little role for women in such a male-dominated occupation as holy war.