But now we were looking literally at children, marching beside these feeble old men.
The dark woods marched beside the road, very near at this point, seemingly endless ahead to the east and when he looked back west.
Oh, it was lovely to march beside Mary, proudly into the school again.
An infantry captain, marching beside his company, was directly in front of the car.
I asked the man who marched beside me, in silence up until now.
Moneo marched beside the cart, not looking left or right.
Our most accurate shot will be if we march to the spot right beside the launch point.
I can just see you marching beside him into the undersea city of the super-Gillies.
No, not out of nowhere, but from the other place which marched beside this world, and which in time might become mine also.
Three days later he was gone, but they marched easily beside a larger stream with a village in sight.