Large Marijuna Seizure The Coast Guard appears to have done better against marijuana smuggling.
In 1993, Garza was convicted of murdering three people while running a marijuana smuggling and distribution ring based in Brownsville, Texas.
General Noriega still faces charges of marijuana smuggling and money laundering under an indictment handed up against him in Tampa in 1988.
Her father, Ciro, was jailed for marijuana smuggling when Julia was in kindergarten and went to prison when she was in high school.
He was convicted of marijuana smuggling, which he admits, and of bombings, which he denies.
While marijuana smuggling has picked up again and still outranks cocaine in the amount smuggled, the authorities say, the trafficking of cocaine has exploded.
He asks Gob to wire him money, but the call ends when the police take down George Sr. for marijuana smuggling, thinking that he is Oscar.
The great wall of boats, planes and radar thrown up by the Federal Government may not have dented the cocaine trade, but it nearly killed marijuana smuggling.
A second indictment is pending in Tampa on charges of marijuana smuggling.
During the 1970s and 1980s, Everglades City and its adjoining island, Chokoloskee, were centers of marijuana smuggling.