He has marvelous insight into the minds and souls of folks we all know.
Still, their role in bridging the gap between Malachi and Matthew is unquestioned and they provide marvelous insight into the way in which the first Christians understood their relationship to God.
Who else possesses such marvelous insight into human char- acter?
It was a shocking, marvelous insight.
He had a marvelous insight into the deep things of God's word, and like his Master, was an apt teacher of all who received the truth with pleasure.
Not stopping to ponder this new and marvelous insight, the drow persisted in her silent quest.
Now whence got she that marvelous insight?
Konrad Lorenz acquired his marvelous insights into the imprinting process-for which he won the Nobel prize-by consciously imitating the body movements of the animals he was studying.
"In addition to being smart, she has marvelous insight into the department."
Louise Bourgeois is 75, but her every new sculpture is full of what Kenneth Clark in another context called "marvelous and embarrassing psychological insights."