Instead, there was only a massive heap of shale, boulders and dirt.
The massive heap wasn't merely settling, the paladin realized; it was coming to life.
And inside it, refuse of every description, in a massive heap.
Underneath the grating, seeds lay in a massive heap- many more of them, I was certain, than the ratlike creatures had carried in the day before.
It fell into a massive heap of dying flesh.
Centered in the lake was a massive heap of rubble- perhaps even a castle overthrown to nearly the shape of its native stone.
The massive heaps of dry powdery snow shrank overnight to soggy patches.
Strong timber, reft from Paris's own palace walls, square and support the massive heap of firewood.
Episode 7 Mia faces a massive heap of problems as she is charged with a jail sentence and a case filed against her.
He did see a holder go by leading Mahon's stallion, and a little way distant, Olan's gray, lying on the ground in a massive heap.