We came to within a foot, to within six inches, to a distance measurable only by a caliper, to nothing.
Death was away only in time but never in measurable distance.
I am authorized to say that the action we are now reporting may well bring the war within measurable distance of its end.
--would allow you to come within measurable distance of their execution?
Seoul is within measurable distance of becoming the highest, most interesting and cleanest city in the East.
The last letter in my collection seems written almost within measurable distance of the Christmas-card era.
Cohesive adhesive forces, holds two surfaces together even though they are separated by a measurable distance, with or without any actual transfer of material.
Mr Farnsworth seemed to regard any collision avoided by a measurable distance as less than sporting.
That unerring instinct which comes to human beings when they are within measurable distance of some acute, unknown danger amounts at times to second sight.
The stars, the planets are a measurable distance away.