I may not be mechanically minded, but I'll outswim you any day, pal.
While these features are not aimed specifically at women drivers, there is no doubt that they will appeal to the less mechanically minded buyer.
Almost to a man, the Angels have the closed-crop assurance of the mechanically minded.
She was independent, physically strong and mechanically minded.
At first glance, the mechanically minded can see the transbar system's simplicity and potential advantages.
The nitrogen bottle posed a diversionary problem for the mechanically minded.
Figuring out what goes where on the first camping trip of the year can tax all but the most mechanically minded.
He's mechanically minded, but claims to "eschew the car ideologically."
That could account for it; a good sort, Dad, but not mechanically minded.
Gnomes have a notorious rivalry with the goblins, another mechanically minded race.