Finding out about the services and navigating the medical and welfare bureaucracies - with their waiting lines and multiple forms - can be a daunting challenge.
But people in the middle class believe they are being done in by big insurance companies and the medical bureaucracy.
Mr. Kramer counts himself as fortunate, just to have a chance to navigate the transplant system which he calls "American medical bureaucracy at its worst."
To the extent that it avoids medical bureaucracy and so on, it is an improvement, but self-assessment is a radical change.
While their expertise in navigating medical bureaucracies can be valuable, some geriatric care clients come to appreciate a less tangible benefit: peace of mind.
Brave Orchid returns to her car, having been stymied by the medical bureaucracy that requires an appointment for all those who wish to speak with the doctor.
The new study provides startling evidence of the growth in medical bureaucracy.
There have also been allegations of a cover-up by medical bureaucracies and the government.
Congress and the N.I.H should make the medical bureaucracy more open to patient groups, and they should do a better job of setting priorities.
The Glasers bear no grudges against the anonymous blood donor who infected them, or against the inert medical bureaucracy.