As well as naming many new taxa Villeneuve made many significant contributions to medical entomology.
They may accordingly be important in forensic entomology and medical entomology.
He also wrote a paper on medical entomology.
Fergus J. O'Rourke (1923-2010) was an Irish scientist whose publications included contributions to myrmecology and medical entomology.
After serving in the army, he returned to Cornell in 1946, where he got his PhD in medical entomology.
He received a doctorate in medical entomology and parasitology from the university in 1943, and a master's in epidemiology in 1949.
Many of the faculty offices are on this floor as well as labs used for teaching the medical entomology and insect anatomy classes.
He graduated in 1923 as a Bachelor of Arts in medical entomology with specialisation in the Mallophaga.
Willy Burgdorfer, an American scientist born and educated in Basel, Switzerland, is an international leader in the field of medical entomology.
- on medical entomology - and her lecture for the more spiritually inclined, "Bugs in the Bible."