American Express also offers similar emergency coverage, as well as around-the-clock medical and legal referrals, to certain card holders.
The vast majority of older people enter hospital as a result of an emergency or medical referral.
Among its services are psychological and group counseling, advice on legal and insurance matters and medical referrals.
Beyond jobs, petworking can yield other practical connections, from leads on apartments to medical referrals.
Randy obtains his medical referral and starts smoking marijuana regularly.
It provides prenatal care, home nursing visits, medical referrals and other services to pregnant women and infants.
For $59 a year, it provides legal and medical referrals, prescription replacements, other counseling services and repatriation of remains.
Provides emotional support and medical referrals for infertile couples.
Provides support, educational material and medical referrals for persons who have dysautonomia (a disorder of the autonomic nervous system).
He continued to be active in the medical referral remotely from Israel until approximately 1999.