Use memory cues.
For older participants, emotional prospective memory cues were better remembered than neutral cues.
With a greater number of connections, each connecting node receives less activation, which may result in too little activation for the memory cue to be brought to awareness.
Memory goals can either be deliberate (top-down) or in response to an external memory cue (bottom-up).
When we experience one memory cue, such as a smell or the sight of a familiar place, the brain reassembles other fragments with the same tags.
Her films were an important resource for the 2005 documentary "Ballets Russes" and were sometimes used by choreographers, including Jerome Robbins, as memory cues in restaging early work.
The more familiar the information in the memory cue, the more likely a person will make the judgment that he or she knows that the target information is in memory.
Her sensitivity to cues that trigger her memories suggest that "AJ" has trouble inhibiting episodic-retrieval mode, which is the neurocognitive state required for present stimuli to be interpreted as memory cues.
These self-concepts, or self-images, are then used as autobiographical memory cues, enabling the distribution of highly self-relevant memories to be plotted across the lifespan.
There aren't any memory cues so I have no way to place it in time.