A woman's age, general health, and menopausal status (whether a woman is still having menstrual periods).
symptoms depend on whether the cervical canal is partially or completely obstructed and on the patient's menopausal status.
The researchers recommend that psychologists evaluate and treat middle-aged women according to their specific life circumstances and risk factors rather than their menopausal status.
Since criteria for menopausal status vary widely, some studies have substituted age older than 50 years as a surrogate for the postmenopausal state.
Matching for age and menopausal status should be considered.
Knox asked each woman about her menopausal status and then looked at blood levels of the PFCs.
It appears that these other factors often have a greater impact on women's sexual functioning than their menopausal status.
Risk factors that were updated included menopausal status, family history, diagnosis of benign breast disease, and postmenopausal hormone use.
No data were presented on the foods themselves; only possible relations between fat and fiber, stratified by menopausal status, were reported.
We did not have the information on menopausal status to test this hypothesis directly.