The difference let him distinguish between mere natural oddities and the special things that only a god could see.
People chuckled and shouted at him but they seemed to assume he was a mere oddity, not a thief escaping from a job.
It was this which finally convinced him that the things, in spite of their improbable shape, were mountains; and with that discovery the mere oddity of the prospect was swallowed up in the fantastic sublime.
I am not taking a mere individual oddity, as you will hear.
Some people trifled with her as a mere oddity, he said; but she was as shrewdly and sharply observant as anyone he knew, and as long-headed as she was short-armed.
How could she pretend that all these things were mere oddities?
But the name was more than a mere oddity, for it was the human custom to give new names to their friends after bonding.
If this was a mere oddity, fine.
Of course, this thing hovering a few feet away from her could be a mere oddity of explosive metallurgy.
She did not like discovering an oddity just when everything seemed to be going in their favor, and a Myrddraal set above the Chosen, even occasionally, was more than a mere oddity.