The event came to a climax with its longest ever midnight fireworks display, against the backdrop of Edinburgh Castle.
The celebration continues in the park, culminating in a midnight fireworks display over the Unisphere.
The focal point is the Brandenburg Gate, where midnight fireworks are centered.
Neighbours then meet at their nearest large bonfire, while watching the midnight fireworks.
One witness stated there were no pyrotechnics in the club, while another reported seeing flames on the roof after going outside to watch the midnight fireworks display.
After the midnight fireworks, Carnaval, with swing and Latin dance bands, will continue until 4:30 a.m. in the Domain.
There will be 72 performances at 42 sites, ending with midnight fireworks.
Outside, watch lighting ceremonies and midnight fireworks over Penn's Landing on the Delaware River.
Both Ocean County and Montclair plan midnight fireworks.
This is interrupted by the midnight fireworks, but continues well into the morning.