Officer Hernandez had been at several bars that evening after finishing his 4 to midnight tour, the authorities say.
The scandal at the 30th erupted on the midnight tour a week ago today, with the arrests of several officers.
The prospective officers' first midnight tour came after an unusually long day.
It was in the bars that some of the officers on the midnight tour would have a drink or two before taking the streets.
But, he said: "Working midnight tours five days a week is just brutal.
TO most police officers, the midnight tour of duty is by far the most undesirable.
Marshal Clancy's already made his midnight tour of the town.
"Are you sure you don't want to tell me why you were taking a midnight tour of the house?"
"On the midnight tour, we're very close knit," she said.
The police have also stepped up their patrol of the area, particularly on the midnight tour.