The menu is "New American" and runs from clam chowder to oysters with mignonette sauce to roasted lamb chops to grilled lobster.
There are briny fresh oysters from the East and West Coasts, but leave the mignonette sauce in its serving bowl.
The clams and oysters are also excellent, and Mr. Telepan wisely serves them with nothing more than lemon and mignonette sauce.
Some recommended starters are oysters on the half shell with mignonette sauce, calamari salad, and clams Casino.
White starts his Thanksgiving meal with oysters served with a highly Americanized version of what the French call a mignonette sauce.
Though different mignonette sauces use different types of vinegar, all contain pepper.
But you don't need the accompanying mignonette sauce, which is too harsh for the oysters' subtle briny taste.
A quick mignonette sauce is good with fresh oysters.