He was no longer a mischievous youngster, and Chris wondered how much more time he'd have with the old devil if he accepted another five-year mission.
It relates the story of a mischievous but lovable youngster who keeps getting into some trouble or the other.
"That's a long story," and I recounted rather shamefacedly how two mischievous youngsters had christened it.
And," Timon's sudden grin revealed the mischievous youngster hidden beneath the burden of kingship.
The mischievous youngster is growing up fast and has already got drunk, gatecrashed a rave and started terrorising Edna Birch!
Snap is the oldest and a problem solver, Crackle is an unsure "middle child" and Pop is a mischievous youngster.
Nearly a year after the Police Department took command of the guards at New York City's 1,100 public schools, many of the problems that prompted the takeover persist, including complaints of inadequate training, disputes over what constitutes serious incidents and accusations that students are too often treated as potential criminals rather than mischievous youngsters.
A mischievous youngster, he was given the nickname "Snooks" after a radio character named Baby Snooks.
She remembered the two boys as mischievous youngsters on the Yoko, and recalled how she had envied her brother, Brian, for having friends his own age.