Smith's report mistakenly placed the Japanese carriers south of their actual position.
Ponce's death has sometimes been mistakenly placed in 1169.
In the first half of the twentieth century, many children were mistakenly placed in institutions for the mentally retarded.
Fas was once mistakenly placed in the Kwomtari family, confusing their classification.
Dolenz, however, mistakenly places it in the Palmer House.
It may be that this genus has been mistakenly placed in this genus.
Lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union said they did not know how many people had been mistakenly placed on watch lists.
The Manchester performance was widely bootlegged (and mistakenly placed at the Royal Albert Hall).
Looking at egg white proteins in the 1970s Sibley and Ahlquist mistakenly placed them with the starlings (the samples used were actually those of sunbirds).
We fled Earth in defeat, driven off our own planet by our inferiors, and all because we mistakenly placed our faith in you.