He said he was not aware that the agency had modified its operations following the criticism about its Florida response.
It seems that the initial, ambitious building plan had to be modified around the mid-12th century, perhaps following the collapse of the roof of the apse and/or financial constraints.
Built in the late 18th century and later modified following a fire, it is the oldest house of worship in Putnam County.
It was modified again in September 1934 and delivered to CEMA in October, making its last flight the following February.
The seat was modified for 2010, following the Boundary Commission for England review of representation in Essex, with electoral wards:
The proposal was substantially modified following the credit crunch, and the change in circumstances of Allen Stanford himself.
However, these plans were modified following its inauguration.
(These outcomes had already appeared in draft outline in the earlier Guidelines, but were now modified and revised following the response to consultation.)
The Rose Bowl Stadium was modified following the game to widen the playing field for soccer and remove lower seats that were blocked by players on the sidelines.
Superman's backstory was further modified following the events of Infinite Crisis (2006).