The tunnel, a monumental undertaking sometimes described as the largest public works project in the nation, is not expected to be completed until 2020.
It's a monumental undertaking, but it's the only option for a touch device.
To replace that oil would be a monumental undertaking, with hundreds of coal-to-fuel plants.
Although this achievement of his was a milestone in history, he became famous only for tackling another monumental undertaking.
The book was a monumental undertaking that utilizes overlays to illustrate its complex points.
President Bush has demonstrated that he knows how to finance monumental undertakings, despite his aversion to taxes.
Nor do we want the kind of monumental undertakings developed by the Franco regime.
And it was perceived that this would be a monumental undertaking without any specificity as to particular persons.
Still it was a monumental undertaking, putting this place together at all, and Nightingale rather liked the unfinished atmosphere.
So in a way this monumental undertaking has become familiar.