Medical good will is probably the most valuable and the most salable part of a practice.
But CBS is still struggling in adding the younger viewers that make up the most salable audience for television advertisers.
You'll also find the most salable lengths and the names of editorial staffs.
This assassination by proxy, cashing in on the nation's most salable name, is more than a little slimy.
Their most salable items, the small cigarette and jewel boxes costing from $100 to $600, are almost as easy to take home as a necklace or jacket.
You can see them talking him into elaborate installations and filling the gallery with things that may not be the most salable.
I think he'll take the most salable among us as slaves and have the rest of us killed.
Small outboard motorboats for families continue to be the industry's most salable craft.
Douglas was there to murmur encouragement and to open the formidable cartons under the table so that Mildred could arrange her offspring to their most salable advantage.
In effect, it has decided to address its short-term debt and strengthen its balance sheet by shedding its most salable division.