I am distracted then by the same old woman, in long, baggy dress, moth-eaten sweater and dirty, mismatched sneakers, foraging through the same rank garbage pail.
In the ads, Peggy is a bearded man with an Eastern European accent and a moth-eaten sweater.
He gave her his moth-eaten sweater.
Wrapped in a couple of Salvation Army dresses, two moth-eaten sweaters, a tweed jacket gone at the elbows, and generally looking like a bag lady from Hell.
(Most of his clothes these days are by Nicole Farhi, a far cry from the grungy, moth-eaten sweaters of his youth.)
He was clad, as usual, in baggy jeans, a moth-eaten black sweater and torn-up sneakers, a dime-store diamond on his pinkie.
They toss bulging bags of old sneakers, moth-eaten sweaters and crusty frying pans, Mr. Sorgente said.
We all have disintegrating loungewear and moth-eaten sweaters.
Mist cobwebbed his dark, disheveled hair and moth-eaten sweater.
Not that Mara would want to dress like that-it wouldn't suit her personality-but she did feel shabby in her moth-eaten sweater and muddy Wellingtons.