The mother-son relationship is a bit strained.
The mother-son relationship, always complex, becomes too intricate to imagine when the two team up to live outside the law.
The mother-son relationship became murkier as doctor and patient developed a physical attraction to each other.
Soap operas and a movie have been made about such mother-son relationships.
I tried to say something complicated and textured about a woman and a mother-son relationship that was both.
We had more than a mother-son relationship.
They have serious sessions about aggression, sibling rivalry, mother-son relationships and interfaith marriage.
This closeness evolved into an almost mother-son relationship, after yet another Younger son was also killed in the War.
I am concerned that some American readers may mistakenly think such a mother-son relationship is common or normal in Japan.
In 1995, Everlasting Arms, a performance piece focusing on street violence and its effect upon mother-son relationships, became the company's season closer.