Many in Europe have yet to accept that the white, Christian culture of their ancestors is giving way to a multicultural mix heavily weighted with Islam.
Auckland is known for having a large multicultural mix with the largest Polynesian city in the world.
The volume reflects the multicultural mix of the city.
Ask an Australian what issues make them tick and you'll get a diversity of responses to match the multicultural mix.
The city has a multicultural mix of locals and people that have migrated from other areas of India and Pakistan.
The Seychellois are proud of being a multicultural mix of nationalities.
By restricting the number of students we accept from any given country, we are able to guarantee a multicultural mix in our ESL classrooms.
Absorb the multicultural mix on a half-day city tour of Kuala Lumpur.
"Our advantage is that our multilingual skills, and the talent we have here, is more globally accepted because of our multicultural mix," he says.
Each band had a different multicultural mix.