Some in the high-end industry say music reproduction and home theater are completely different goals.
Better still, the music reproduction is stellar, especially in the crisp, clean higher registers.
And despite "adaptive baffle damping and Duofol diaphragms," music reproduction isn't where it should be for $450.
In music reproduction, the systems could make it seem like drums are coming from one side of the stage and violins from the other.
"From an artistic and cultural viewpoint, adequate music reproduction therefore becomes a proper matter of academic concern."
The jukebox's history has followed the wave of technological improvements in music reproduction and distribution.
In practice however, music reproduction was generally restricted to live performances and the legalities of playing other people's music was unclear in most jurisdictions.
The anti-noise signal is not audible on its own and does not interfere with music reproduction.
Music technology includes many forms of music reproduction.
Later, as a manufacturer of electrical equipment, my father was closely involved with the development of electrical music reproduction.