Tagiri was often drawn to the TruSite station of one of her storyseekers, a young man named Hassan.
An elderly Kuwaiti businessman named Hassan, said over a cup of tea that he had watched Iraqi soldiers pillage his family home.
She was born to a Pakistani mother and an Indian father, named Hassan.
At the fifth race, an elderly schoolteacher named Hassan took me to the edge of the gallery and offered me his binoculars.
The young man, an Egyptian named Hassan, did not even want his just reward.
During the training, all three were constantly tracking a terrorist named Hassan.
Before the show aired, Holland and Smith had already decided that Sue and her husband would be parents to a young baby named Hassan.
A 33-year-old shoplifter named Hassan -jail officials allowed only the use of first names - stops picking zucchini long enough to put some perspective on things.
One afternoon in August, I met a young man named Hassan at a baroque, upscale hotel steps away from the shrine.
She bore him a son named Hassan.