The second story is about a successful executive chef named Stephen, whose world is turned upside down when an obnoxious cat comes to live with him.
In the new series, Irma finally has an actual boyfriend, named Stephen, who is a relatively new character in the story.
He and his wife had two children whom they named Stephen and Mary.
The assailants then ran around the corner, where they encountered a 20-year-old named Stephen.
According to a monk named Stephen, "it was laid waste, and its inhabitants carried off into captivity".
One was named Stephen and one Susan.
Ho has three children named Kristen, Cynthia and Stephen.
A young man named Stephen emerges from the box, barely alive, having been put there the day before for stealing a candle.
He also has a brother named Stephen.
His great-grandson, a tobacco farmer named Stephen, discovered a spring in the mid-19th century, while plowing the fields of the family plantation.