He was named to the 3rd and 2nd All Big 12 teams in 2004 and 2005 respectively.
They are respectively named for the first presidents of Princeton and Dartmouth, both Yale alumni.
Each block was respectively named:
These are named after a real-world teacher and a pair of real-world pure mathematicians respectively.
They are respectively named the inferior and superior colliculus.
The book ends with Ruby having twin boys, Pierre and Jean, named for Ruby's father and uncle respectively.
Nowadays, these two cities are respectively named Deutsch-Oth and Welsch-Oth in German.
To date, seven planets have been discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope and are named respectively as Gliese 581 a, b, c, etc.
Town and Gown Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, is named for the non-academic and academic communities of the city respectively.
They are also Freelancer soldiers, named for North and South Dakota respectively.