The community of which such a tall mound was likely the center would have included nearby dwellings for workers, and communal fields and gardens.
His warning, however, is made in vain and the curtain closes as Samson meets Delilah's gaze with every intention of going to her nearby dwelling.
Cynan called one of the women from the hail to lead me, and I followed her to a nearby dwelling.
The proposed dwelling is out of keeping with the nearby existing dwellings and will detract from the character of the stone archway and The Lodge.
The other is that the methane gas produced by the decomposing garbage is potentially explosive, posing a danger to nearby dwellings.
The hall was first mentioned in 1265, but this could have been a nearby moated timbered dwelling.
Erm, the basis there was development overlook and affect privacy of nearby dwellings of the medical centre.
Most of the nearby dwellings were dark.
Whilst there, he starts to enter into a relationship with Susan before encountering Volovoi in a nearby dwelling.
The halt is situated on a small "B" road, gaining its name from that of a nearby private dwelling.