Italy will need to raise its retirement age to 77 or admit 2.2 million immigrants annually to maintain its worker to retiree ratio.
With more and more parents choosing or having to work outside the home, public libraries need to stand up and admit they have problems.
The employee population of Circuit City needs to look in the mirror and admit to themselves "it isn't about usit is about our customers".
A study by the UN Population Division released in 2000 found that Japan would need to raise its retirement age to 77 or admit 10 million immigrants annually between 2000 and 2050 to maintain its worker-to-retiree ratio.
Maybe you need to face more things and admit when they're going wrong, before they get a whole lot worse.
Johnny, knowing he just wants to be with her, needs Elizabeth to commit and admit her love for him.
When we are talking about terrorists, we need to accept and admit that most acts of terror are inside jobs and most terrorists are homegrown.
Now we need to learn the lessons from the failure of Cancún and admit the specificity of these questions, which should doubtless even be taken away from the WTO and dealt with by a specific international organisation.
We need to recognise the problem and admit that there is one, even if often, it is as if we were hiding behind the notion that we have already resolved it.
Everyone present could guess what was coming, but they all still needed Chagall to hurry up and admit it before they could move on.