Typical values for the viscosity of normal human plasma at 37 C is 1.2 Nsm-2.
The QGP has other analogies with a normal plasma.
Plasma exchange (or plasmapheresis), the removal of plasma proteins such as antibodies and replacement with normal plasma, may provide improvement in acute severe weakness.
To distinguish the above causes, mixing tests are performed, in which the patient's plasma is mixed (initially at a 50:50 dilution) with normal plasma.
However, concentrations of sodium and chloride are similar to those of normal plasma to prevent loss.
A mixing study is then performed, which consists of adding an equal volume of the patient's plasma to normal plasma.
Fibrinogen, a beta 2 protein, is found in normal plasma but also absent from normal serum.
While the release is sufficient to convert the core back into normal plasma after a few seconds, it does not disrupt the star, nor immediately change its luminosity.
The thrombin time compares the rate of clot formation to that of a sample of normal pooled plasma.
Addis described the pathogenesis of haemophilia in 1911 and was the first to demonstrate that normal plasma could correct the defect in haemophilia.