After a rain burst, they can swell to many times normal width.
At just under 90 percent of normal width, this one is serviceable but not without annoyances.
Report runs the normal width of a typewritten page and is limited to four pages.
Even his tail was flattened out to twice its normal width.
Or,' he added hurriedly, 'if you find it too wide I can change it to the normal width.
The Choluteca River at this point flooded to six times its normal width.
On the main portion of the facades, the spandrels would be of normal width.
The forest expanded to normal width and depth-a narrow window on the world, but the best display for walking.
Like the moon itself, yes, it has been crushed to half its normal width, made denser and more gravid.
Then at sight of me, it widened to more normal width.