The public houses were usually provided with a plaque which was normally fixed to one side of the main door.
The rear window is normally fixed, but on some targa models, it is removable or foldable, making it a convertible-type vehicle.
It has the ability to be altered through adding or appending, whereas a String is normally fixed or immutable.
The name of the criminal was normally fixed on the cross.
Tonbaks with adjustable tuning have been produced experimentally but the head tension is normally fixed prior to performance with careful attention to the temperature and humidity.
But the problem is normally fixed by the time a child is a teen.
Hard disks are normally fixed in place, holding much more data than floppies--sometimes 100 times more.
The AV-sync delay is normally fixed.
The mine is normally fixed to a tree or pole, and is command detonated.
The term of the House of Keys is normally fixed at five years, but provisions exist for dissolution before the expiration of the term.