The oratorio is notorious for lines praising Joseph Stalin as the "great gardener", although its later performances have normally omitted them.
The nuclear spin energy is so small that it is normally omitted.
Symbol that need no explanation, or do not coincide with the theme of the map, are normally omitted from the map legend.
Pronouns are normally omitted if recoverable from the verb form.
In particular, documentation files are normally omitted.
Subject pronouns are normally omitted except for emphasis or when using a participle as a verb (participles are not marked for person).
It is almost always played on a 10x10 grid (with Cyrillic lettering, with letters "й" and "ё" normally omitted).
For example, in zoology the publication year is given following author name(s) and the authorship of a new combination is normally omitted.
The report also said that Mr. Riegle's "net worth figure includes items normally omitted by members."