Also, there is a noticeable pause between the first and second words "root".
There was a noticeable pause before the first officer replied, "Understood, sir."
There was a noticeable pause, and Kazakov thought he detected a sharp intake of breath.
There was a noticeable pause before Alicia responded in clipped phrases.
He went on with scarcely a noticeable pause, "I'll see you well before that-if I may?"
After a noticeable pause, the computer responded, "I am unable to access that data at this time."
We turned to see an elderly woman moving toward us, each step followed by a brief but noticeable pause.
There was a noticeable pause before he continued.
What he -did, then, was wait for a noticeable pause.
Roger put the question with some delicacy, after a rather noticeable pause.