When a nun at the hospital refuses to treat the mother fast enough, he screams what any other villager would: "You ugly raghead."
When Pisa took ill, the nuns refused to visit her, even though she continually asked for them.
The monks and nuns refused, and in April 2009, they were expelled from Abkhazia.
The nuns of Port-Royal refused to accept it, except with certain restrictions, and, in consequence, the king obtained the pope's permission to suppress their monastery.
The new center and convent have been completed for some months, but the nuns had refused to move.
In a twisted turn of events, the nuns at the convent take Maggie in and refuse to give her back to Homer.
According to Gabrielle, her mother overlooked the matter, and a nun at her school refused to believe her claims of having been raped.
Except in the case of Blaisine Varembert, the Reformers lost interest after the nuns refused to cooperate; they were given a safe departure from the city.
The nun refused, believing that baby Zedong appeared healthy.
But the nun refused to poison them as instructed.