The nuns sat with their backs to the walls without uttering a word.
A Catholic priest and nun currently sit on its board of directors.
Anyway, these two nuns were sitting next to me, and we sort of struck up a conversation.
The elderly nun sat across from Colleen in the small living room that was heated by a peat fire.
As the old man spoke, the nun sat staring at the tableland to the east.
The nuns sit behind a much more open wooden grille than the one in the old chapel, with no curtain to screen them from visitors.
On the other side of the bed sat a nun and another personal secretary, Msgr.
The priests and nuns were sitting together on one pew, looking hopefully at Angelo.
Three nuns sat on a sofa that was drawn up almost to the hearth itself.
In the west room sat a nun who had a holy image before her.