Mission: By effective collaboration nurture the right talent, innovation and expertise for the UK's future growth.
Its role is to nurture, support and sustain excellence and innovation in public health research on health in development.
That competition would have conduced to consumer choice and nurtured innovation.
The Goal of At the Edge was to promote experimentation, support excellence and nurture innovation in local artistic talent.
Part of the landlord's educational remit here is to nurture experimentation and innovation, and he won't bat an eyelid, no matter what repulsive combination you order.
Charter Conservatory nurtures initiative and innovation in students, teachers, and parents in non-threatening surroundings of mutual respect.
The trend is especially troublesome, he said, since small businesses are usually better than large ones at nurturing innovation.
It nurtures innovation and investment.
If jobs are to be created, as they hopefully will be by many small businesses, it will be because we nurture innovation and entreprenurial activity.
These institutions, which nurture innovation, are our real crown jewels that must be protected - not the 1 percent of jobs that might be outsourced.