Rather, it is a limit on the ability to pay obligations already incurred.
These are legal obligations, incurred under the laws of the United States.
"Then the original financial obligation incurred by the XH-834 has been satisfied?"
"Well, you certainly can't expect to borrow that much money from someone without incurring certain obligations, can you?"
It's an acknowledgment of obligations incurred by shared history.
If there is no money in our account at the close of our fiscal year can we avoid incurring either Federal or state tax obligations?
Let us say that I have incurred obligations that want settling.
In some way he had aheady incurred obligations to the beagle, even though she seemed to be using him for her own ends.
Governments have also bailed out a variety of firms as discussed above, incurring large financial obligations.
But archdiocesan officials remain opposed because, they said, the archdiocese will eventually be liable for any obligations the plan incurred.